Owls Head, Maine
The Mussel Ridge Learning Center
Preserving Owl's Head History Today

Preserving Owl's Head History Today
Owl's Head has a rich maritime and boat building history, which inspired the inclusion of a sloop in the logo. This particular sloop is taken from a drawing of a 25' sloop designed by Alvin Hurd (1861-1956) of Ash Point, Owl's Head. Alvin is a descendant of one of the first settlers of Owl's Head, William and Abigail Crockett Heard, who purchased a vast amount of land in Ash Point from Henry Knox in the 1700s. Many of Alvin's descendants still reside in town today.
​Special thanks to Tayler Philbrook for creating the Mussel Ridge Learning Center logo for us.

Mussel Ridge Historical Society Learning Center Becoming a Reality
Thursday, November 7, was a banner day for the Town of Owls Head and The Mussel Ridge Historical Society (MRHS). Members of the Owls Head Select Board and The MRHS Executive Board, along with architect Chuck Campbell, gathered to mark the groundbreaking for the Town’s newest building, the culmination of years of The MRHS’s fundraising and the even longer desire to establish a repository for valuable collections,a desire dating back to the inception of the society on September 12, 1960.
The new building will belong to the Town of Owls Head and will be leased to The MRHS. Its construction represents a donation of over $100,000 made by The MRHS and an investment of $175,000 made by the Town of Owls Head. Its addition to the Town’s holdings means access to secure, climate-controlled display space for The MRHS’s extensive collections: artifacts, records, photographs, family histories, and other items of material culture that testify to the way life used to be in this midcoastal community.
Tom Monroe of Monroe, Inc. is charged with building the facility. Heavy equipment is onsite to break ground so the foundation can be poured before winter sets in. Once the
outer shell of the building is completed, construction will continue throughout the winter months, with a targeted completion date in the spring of 2025. Fundraising for the interior—display cases, a fireproof safe, furnishings, and technical equipment—is ongoing. Donations may be made in support of those efforts through The MRHS’s website, www.musselridge.org, or by check, made payable to MRHS and sent
to P.O. Box 133, Owls Head, ME 04854.

Word on the Street
"Local history is a grounding for future generations. Artifacts being preserved illustrate the stories passed down and make them more meaningful and memorable!"
Ann Walker McCann
We are all making history here in Owl's Head, though some of us have been at it a little longer than others. I feel fortunate to be part of a family that has been actively involved in our community since the early 1800s. This was accomplished through concern for our neighbors’ chosen livelihoods, participation in our town's government, and various activities. The Mussel Ridge Learning Center will give us all a long anticipated “place" where we can archive, teach, learn and share more about this special area and its people.
Kay Ross Dodge
I love local history and think that preservation is important. It gives us a sense of what has been done in the past to make this a community we want to live in and strengthens our commitment to being good stewards in the present so we can pass along a better town for the future.
John Hufnagel
Mussel Ridge Learning Center Timeline
Funding for constructing the MRHS Learning Center has been secured through a combination of
years of MRHS fundraising and a generous, onetime supplement from the Town of Owls Head.
In conjunction with the Town, the MRHS has selected a contractor, and breaking ground on the
project is imminent, with completion of the facility projected for early 2025.
However, the MRHS is still raising funds to furnish, outfit, and equip the Learning Center.
Critical items—for example, a fireproof safe, museum-quality display cases, and the technology
to conduct research and facilitate presentations—has yet to be financed.
By supporting the MRHS in this final phase, you ensure that we can open the doors of the
Learning Center as a fully functional operation. Please help us cross the finish line!